What can I say – but Carson Daly (@carsonjdaly) really cares about our military. Most celebrities don’t seem to “get it” but he does! HOOAH! If you did not know, Carson and I have teamed up on Twitter to recognize the military with #militarymon. So far, it seems to be working and it will get stronger each week! This past #militarymon his show was filmed at Fort Irwin and in the clip below, he even plugged Twitter. Gotta give a celebrity credit when credit is due!

c/p at Hooah Wife

3 Replies to “Hooah! to Carson Daly”

  1. SWEET!
    Greta hit the big leagues with Carson Daly! That is so cool. Just thing… we knew ya when!

    Even more cool is the fact that Carson really does care and you can tell. Thanks Carson!

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