Psyched up for my show about guns this week. My guests are Jim Bernazanni (former FBI) from the Youth Rescue Initiative and Clifford Grout from Red Stick Rant. Let’s talk second amendment, the New Orleans youth (I had trouble spitting that out in the video as I did not want to come off like My Cousin Vinnie) crime problems, the legislation regarding carrying guns on campus and whatever is on your mind. Saturday morning 9:00-10:00 AM, AM 690 New Orleans & the Gulf Coast or on your computer. 88-880-WIST

Update: screw it, hubby said it is fine – why do I panic over stuff like this?
update: New video coming. I truly did not mean to show so much cleavage. That is what I get for filming by myself.

Looking for a great read, please visit my sponsor Ces Guerra’s website and buy his book Pill Pushers! Believe me, it is a great read! He is also available for speaking engagements.

Want to help keep me on the air while I work some internet and radio magic to promote your business? Email me gretaperry at and we can chat. For a little you get a lot for your dollar.

c/p at Louisiana Conservative and Hooah Wife & Friends

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