I have a neighbor who hates the heat and loves the cold (d’uh Einstein – don’t live in Southeast Louisiana). When I pass him each day while walking Chulo the Stupor Dog (actually he walks me), he always has some smartass comment about the weather (& though you would never believe it) I give a smartass reply (all in fun). Yours truly grew up in MA, went to University of Maine for 4 years (and froze my ass off) and then went to University of Florida (realized I was meant to be a Southern girl). We lived all over and fortunately, no place cold for too long. Ya, I enjoy skiing, but otherwise find no reason beyond a visit to the mountains to ever want to be in the cold again. Yuck!

I love the heat, the sun, the Summer. It is the time of year that I thrive. Of course, I could do without having to time a swim meet in the sun at 3:30 – but otherwise, not complaining! How about you?

6 Replies to “Bring on the heat”

  1. This is my first full Louisiana summer. I do find this year that I’m getting used to the heat and humidity more than last year when I went back and forth from Michigan. I sure didn’t miss the snow or trying to drive in snow however. So, all things considered I vote YES on the summer heat!

  2. My daughter who is of Cambodian ethnicity HATES the heat and humidity…and LOVES Idaho. She loves the rain, the snow and the cold miserable weather. We’ve decided that we were born in the wrong places,..I should have been born there and her in Idaho. I’m an all summer all year kind of girl…

  3. I’m the opposite. I hate the heat, and I grew up here! I lived in Seattle for a year and I adored the cool rainy weather. The problem is that’s pretty much all I liked, so I came home. Nola will always be home to me. Though I still see my gore-tex coat hanging in the locker and sigh sometimes 😉

  4. Normally, I LOVE the heat and Florida summers and I hate it when temps dip anywhere below 70. But this year I have to admit that I’m complaining!

    We went from a mild spring to a SCORCHING, record setting summer in the blink of an eye. Normally we work our way up to 95+ degree days with heat indexes of around 110. Crazy hot!

    I’m looking forward to our regular afternoon thunderstorms. They cool things down & I actually like the humidity. Yeah, I’m the only one!

  5. I ssooo miss the afternoon storms and the Humidity!…good for ones skin,hair and nails. Humidity seems to add a layer in the atmosphere almost acting like a sunscreen…here in Boise. Straight up desert with a HOT, BLAZING sun. Women out west typically have the worst skin . Thankfully my southern vanity kicked in years ago so I am a sunscren phenom winter,spring,summer,fall with SPF40 blocking both types of rays. Take a girl out of the south but the south never leaves.

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