I finally hand you a list of the talent for the show that I had the privilege of live blogging on Saturday. I was invited to attend and (maybe) live blog the event and I did live blog for a 3 hour time-span. Unfortunately, I had a family to tend to and could not spend the whole day hanging around. I guess a lot of long hours go into taping one show. From what I understand, New Orleans Live (though my kid commented that it could not be called live since it was a taping) was a pre-Katrina show and now that the Louisiana Grill has re-established themselves, starting the show again seemed like the next logical step. I understand the equipment and production they used pre-K was small scale compared to what they attempted yesterday. The sound equipment alone would fill my house, then add a stage, lights and cameras and geesh – you got yourself a real live movie set.

I met Mr. Blue Dog himself on my way out and told him how my dog, “Chulo the Stupor Dog” looked just like the Blue Dog but fatter (maybe he needed a visual). Well, I hope to be included and be invited back to live blog future tapings of the show and to actually get to see the cooking part. Y’all know I have a cooking disability and maybe if I claimed that to the government, they would actually hire my family a personal chef (a girl can dream).

Bernie Cyrus – Host
Christie Hughes – Host

Sherman Bernard jr. – piano
Jerry Gumonville – sax
Freddie Staehle – drums
Tony Gullage – bass
Coco Robicheaux – Vocals and guitar
Rockin Doopsie – wash board and vocals
Leslie Smith – vocals
Larry Sibert – keys
Anthony Ruben – Accordion
Dave Easley – guitar

John Besh
Callan Sinclair

George Rodrigue

UPDATE: If you read the transcripts – you will notice they don’t really make sense and lots of typos. Someone must have hijacked my puter for all those typos (LOL). I had a few technical difficulties during this live blog session. Next time – will rock even more. If you must read – go for it – I won’t delete.

I am here at Louisiana Grill in Mandeville. It is currently closed to the public due to the taping of a cooking show. Yours truly, The Princess of Positive, has been invited to attend. There are bands and local famous chefs who will be here. Hold on to your seats. I should go live in the next half hour!! You can ask me questions etc…

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