img_2506.JPGFiesta fiesta fiesta! Need I say more? OK – I know you are begging for more – don’t get your panties all in a bunch. Here is my vacation in a nutshell (tainted with humor of course)….we landed in El Paso a week ago and our closest friends threw my whole fam damily a huge fiesta! There were probably 50 people there – young and old- having more fun than humanly possible! There was also more food cooked for that night than I have cooked all year (cooking challenged ya know). Hubby was tasting Mari’s chicken tacos and chile con queso in his mouth even before our plane landed! The Absolut New Orleans was also a big hit!

After a couple of days visiting our old stomping grounds in El Paso, we were off to our friend’s cabin in Cloudcroft, New Mexico. We packed enough food, alcohol and bb gun ammunition to be snowed in there for a month! The cabin has been in my friend’s family for 30 plus years and we always have a blast. We usually go up there and just start eating and drinking…but this time we were greeted with some lagniappe. Flies – nasty, disgusting, dirty and annoying flies. What the heck? We sent in the men to tackle this job – they became the “Flyinators” and quickly sucked them up with the shop-vac. When that was done, it was time to unload the food and start cooking and drinking. Mari turned on the oven and we were overwhelmed by the stench of MOUSE URINE!!! Luckily, this was also accompanied by MOUSE DROPPINGS! UGH!!!!!! So we cleaned and scrubbed and cursed the little rodents and their friends and families. Let’s just put it this way…2 hours and several beers later and the kitchen was spotless!The kids and grown-ups had a blast and 2 other families joined us while we were up there. But sad for the kiddos – no snow (I pretended I was sad-shhhh).

We went back for Thanksgiving in El Paso and once again, enough food to feed a third world country – 40 people !!! I could go on and on but I don’t want to bore you any longer…but I will tell you about the title of the post, “Less Donkeys, More Corn.” En espanol (I don’t have a dang ~in this coding) it is, “Menos Burros, Mas Ellotes.” I learned this expression when our host broke out the tekillya the first or maybe the 20th time during our stay and yours truly, turned it down (porcelain goddess flashbacks). My Spanish is fair and after a few beers, gets harder to understand but easier to speak (lol). But you get the drift….nobody was crying when I turned down the tekillya….more for them. I leave you with this question….If tekillya is corn, are my friends asses? Bwahahahaha!

Little known facts of little interest:
1. The free wireless at the New Orleans airport is awesome!
2. The automatic toilet seat covers at the New Olrean’s airport are the best invention since sliced bread.
3. My hubby sings & talks very loud with his Bose headphones!
4. American Airlines is currently holding all my luggage for a rummage sale or something (should be here tomorrow).

(this post can also be found at and share the love)

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